History of Traditional Çanakkale Ceramics
History of Traditional Çanakkale Ceramics Çanakkale is a city located in the northwest of Anatolia, 25 km north of Troy and at the entrance of the Dardanelles (Tekkök, 2000). It has been known by different names throughout history (Boğaz Hisarı, Kale-i Sultaniye, Dardanelles, Hellespontos) and has been mentioned in the writings of many travelers with names close to its current one (Chandler, 1776; Chishull, 1747; Dallaway, 1797; Knight, 1849; Tekkök Karaöz, 2018; Sanay, 1989). In travel notes about Çanakkale, Dallaway (1797) mentioned the name Chanák kalefi in reference to the pottery production in the city. Knight (1849) noted that the name Tchanak Kalessy comes from the potters, with the word "tchanak" meaning soil or pottery.
In Ottoman history, from the 14th century onwards, İznik,
Kütahya, and Çanakkale have been highlighted as important centers of ceramic
art, with Çanakkale being considered as part of a unique folk art. In and
around Çanakkale, clay deposits with high iron content are particularly
significant for ceramic production. The soils in the region are of volcanic
origin and enriched with alluvium brought by rivers. Çanakkale is also rich in
various minerals such as zinc, chrome, iron, copper, lead, manganese,
magnesite, and gold. The development of Çanakkale ceramics between the 17th and
20th centuries is closely related to the richness of these natural resources
(Ayda, 1997).

18th-century triangular patterned Çanakkale ceramic
cup Sources (Kılıçoğlu, 2019:138)

19th-century duck-shaped teapot, Sources (Kılıçoğlu,
19th and Early 20th Century Çanakkale Ceramic Teapots
(Kılıçoğlu, 2019:125,131,132).

Ayda (1994) mentions that at the end of the 19th
century and the beginning of the 20th century, Çanakkale ceramics featured
forms with horse heads, various animal and ship figures, and duck-headed jugs.
These were predominantly produced during the 19th century and were used for
functional purposes. In the 20th century, it was understood that these figures
were more commonly used in the production of household items. Interviews
revealed that the production mainly consisted of pots, earthenware, jugs,
bowls, pitchers, coolers, whistles, dippers, piggy banks, sanded jugs, coffee
cups, water containers, glasses, cheese, and olive storage jars
Çanakkale Ceramics in the World
Çanakkale ceramics are recognized globally as an intangible cultural heritage value, featured in various publications, fairs, and museums. Apart from that, they have a significant history in commercial relations. Following the Istanbul Treaty between Turkey and Russia in 1783, relationships between Çanakkale, Greek islands, and sailor populations began, leading to an expansion of Çanakkale's ceramic sales and customer network between 1800-1850. This reduced the distance between seller and buyer, decreasing production costs and increasing output (Korre, 2000:101).
In the 19th century, efforts to promote Çanakkale ceramics increased. These ceramics were exhibited at international fairs such as the 1855 Paris, 1862 London, 1867 Paris, and 1876 Philadelphia World's Fairs, where the Ottoman Empire participated. For the 1855 Paris Fair, the Ottoman Empire included 29 ceramic examples from Çanakkale, Kütahya, and other regions, consisting of bricks, glassware, porcelain, and more from İnciliköy (Balasubrahmanyam, 1863: 163).
In 1876, Çanakkale ceramics at an international audience.
1876: 368).
Here are some images of Çanakkale ceramics from
various museum collections.
P.S. This information is taken from the book titled "Traditional Çanakkale Ceramics and Tourism", written within the scope of the project numbered 122G047, titled "Evaluation and Development of Traditional Çanakkale Ceramic Production within the Scope of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Its Development in Terms of Tourism", supported by TÜBİTAK 3005.
Atıf/Cite: Güzel, T., Akgündüz, Y., Sevinç Başol, F., Can, M., Turak, G. & Yalçınkaya, T. (2024). Geleneksel Çanakkale Seramikleri ve Turizm. Detay Yayıncılık. Ankara.
- Ayda, D. (1994). XIX. Yüzyıl Çanakkale Seramiklerinden, Ördek Başlı Testiler, Vakıflar Dergisi, 24,159-164.
- Ayda, D. (1997). Çanakkale Seramikleri, Vakıflar Dergisi, 26, 373-389.
- Balasubrahmanyam, S. P. (1863). Coup D'oeil Général Sur L'exposition Nationale À Constantinople.İstanbul.
- British Museum (2024). The British Museum Figure 1932,1015.1 https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_1932-1015-1
- Chandler, R. (1776). Travels in Asia Minor: or, an Account of A Tour Made at the Expense of the Society of Dilettanti. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Chishull, E. (1747). Travels in Turkey and Back to England.Londra: W. Bowyer.
- Çanakkale Seramik Müzesi (2024) https://www.canakkaleseramikmuzesi.org/kentte-seramigin-tarihsel-gelisimi/#galeri1-12
- Dallaway, J. (1797). Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, with Excursions to the Shores And Islands of the Archipelago and the Troad.Londra: T. Bensley.
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- Fitzwilliam Museum (2024). Pouring vessel: C.1988-1928 https://data.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/id/object/72934Erişim tarihi: 11Mart 2024
- National Museum of Scotland(2024). Vessel A.1953.188 https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/collection-search-results/?item_id=320948
- Kılıçoğlu, E. (2019). Ankara Etnoğrafya Müzesi’nde Bulunan Çanakkale Seramikleri. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sanat Tarihi Anabilim Dalı.
- Knight, W. (1849). A Diary In The Dardanelles: Written On Board The Schooner Corsair, While Beating Through The Straits, From Tenedos To Marmora.Londra: Edgware Road.
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